1941 Mercury SuperSlide Spring Install
November 14, 2011
POSIES Rods and Customs just finished installing front and rear SuperSlide Springs on a beautiful 1941 Mercury. A tasteful 2 1/2″ drop was achieved for this beauty…….
Click Here for Photo Gallery….

POSIES September Cruise – In Gallery
September 29, 2011
Well, the weather held out and it was a beautiful evening for the final POSIES Cruise-In of 2011. We had over 20 cars show up, more if the weather reports didn’t forecast rain. Looking forward to 2012′s POSIES Cruise-In!!!!!!!
Click Here to View the Gallery….

POSIES Aeroliner Sport – Hot Rod Network
September 29, 2011
POSIES 1935 Aeroliner Sport featured – September 2009 Edition of Street Rodder Magazine. Came across the online edition……..
View Street Rodder Magazine On Line Edition

POSIES Final Cruise – In of 2011
September 26, 2011
POSIES will be hosting the final 2011 Cruise-In, Thursday September 29th 6pm – 8pm. Shine them up and cruise on in. If you’re in the area for the Carlisle Fall Flea Market stop by and say hi!

POSIES Fall Carlisle/Fall Hershey Schedule
September 26, 2011
With many customers in the area for the Fall Carlisle Flea Market and Hershey Fall AACA Meet, we are posting our hours for shop tours and parts pick up ………

POSIES Driven Dirty Tour 2011
September 16, 2011
Announcing the 6th annual POSIES Driven Dirty Tour. Hummelstown, PA to Las Vegas, NV for the 2011 SEMA Show. Cruising though the Heartland………

POSIES June Cruise-In Report
July 1, 2011
We had an incredible gathering for our 3rd POSIES Cruise-In held Thursday night June 30th. Over 60 cars and motorcycles attended. Largest yet!!! ………

April Cruise-In Report
April 29, 2011
WOW, we had a great turn out for the first POSIES Cruise-In held Thursday night April 28th. Over 30 cars and motorcycles attended………

POSIES Cruise-In April 28th 6pm
April 08, 2011
POSIES will be hosting a Cruise-In the last Thursday of every month April – September, 6pm – 8pm, starting April 28th. Shine them up and cruise on in.